Välkommen till Swedrock.se
Winterblut - Monotot [CD]
Corpsehammer - Metal de la muerte [CD]
Nominon - Diabolical Bloodshed + Bonus [CD]
Kill - Inverted Funeral [CD]
Rogga Johansson - A Collection of Morbidity [2-Digi-CD]
Triumphant - Herald the Unsung [CD]
Morgana Lefay - Fata Morgana [CD]
Nightwish - 1997-2001 [4-CD-BOX]
Tenebre - Electric Hellfire Kiss [CD]
Trobar De Morte – The Silver Wheel (Ltd.) [A5-Digipack]
Trobar De Morte – Summoning The Gods [7"-EP]
Dagorlad - Herald of Doom [CD]
Grá - Grá [CD]
Myhrding - A Legacy Of Shadows (Ltd with patch) [CD]
Capitis Damnare - Ex Regnum Spiritus In Manifestus [CD]
Hellbastard - Eco-War [M-CD]
Zarathustra - Contempt [M-CD]
Nihil Nocturne - Wahnsinn.Tod.Verrat [CD]
Omission - Thrash Metal Is Violence [CD]
Postmortem - Seeds of Devastation [CD]
Zombified - Carnage Slaughter And Death [CD]
In Flames - A Sense of Purpose [CD]
Slayer - Diabolus In Musica [CD]
Trail of Tears - A New Dimension Of Might [CD]
Trail of Tears - Profoundemonium [CD]
Stoneman - Sex.Drugs.Murder [CD]
Cult of Vampyrism - Aporia [CD]
Within Temptation - The Dance [M-CD]
Morgenstern - Fuego [CD]
Serenity - Words Untold & Dreams Unlived [CD]
Funeral Goat - Mass ov Perversion [CD]
Gloomy Grim - The Age of Aquarius [CD]
Sear - Begin the Celebrations of Sin [CD]
Sjodogg - Landscapes Of Desease And Decadence [CD]
Blizzard - The Roaring Tanks of Armageddon [CD]
Spellcraft - Stirpe Obscura [CD]
Syrach - A Dark Burial [CD]
Kiss - Alive III [CD]
Ski-King - The mighty Ski-King uncaged [CD]
Sorcier des Glaces - Ghastly Memories [M-CD]
Signs of Darkness - The Fall Of Amen [CD]
In Battle - Kingdom of Fear [CD]
Raven - The Murder Sessions [Digi-CD]
Nightwish - Angels Fall First [CD]
Nightwish - Highest Hopes - The Best of Nightwish [CD+DVD]
Dödgaldr - Ruined and Forgotten [CD]
Defeat - The Winds Have Changed [CD]
Spetälsk - Perverted Commandment [12"M-LP]
Daemonlord - Of War And Hate [LP]
Aska - Där Vanvett Gror [LP]
Open Grave - Fear [Digi-CD]
N.I.L. - Neglect.Forget.Remember [Digi-M-CD]
Krieg - The Black House [CD]
Winterblut - Seid furchtbar und zerstöret Euch [CD]
Krieg – The Black Plague [2-LP]
Krieg/Moloch - Split [CD]
Bloodsworn - All Hyllest Til Satan [CD]
Dødsfall - Kronet i Svart Eld [M-CD]
Noen hater oss - Siste stopp skjærsilden [CD]
Witchblood - Hail to Lyderhorn [CD]
Neetzach - True Servants of Satan [CD]
Recitations - The First of the Listeners [LP]
Likheim - Alt skal svinne hen... [M-CD]
Perished - Kark [Digi-CD]
Iskald - Revelations of Reckoning Day [CD]
Folkodia - In A Time Of Legends [CD]
Drephjard - Sorgsvart [M-CD]
Eliwagar – Eliwagar [Digi-CD]
Skaldic Curse - World Suicide Machine [CD]
Skald - Vitterland [CD]
Angrepp - Libido [Digi-CD]
Centinex - Decadence: Prophecies of Cosmic Chaos [CD]
Sunwheel - Monuments of the Elder Faith [M-CD]
Krieg - Official Live DVD [DVD]
Nebel - Hymns of Destruction [CD]
End - End [CD]
Grá - Ramsvarta tankar [CD-S]
Seid - Ulv [LP]
Judas Iscariot - Tribute: To The Triumph Of Evil [2-LP]
Krieg – Sono Lo Scherno [LP]
Demonical - Servants of the Unlight [CD]
Face Down/Remasculate – Split: Think Twice [CD]
Remasculate - Perversemonger [CD]
Grá - Ending [Digi-CD]
Poccolus - Ragana [CD]
Mhönos - Decembris Penitentia [Digi-CD]
Spasmodic - Mondo Illustrated [CD]
Spazmosity - Welcome Death [CD]
The Ugly - Slaves to the decay [Digi-CD]
Haterush - Baptised in Fire [CD]
Khors - Following the Years of Blood II (Ltd.) [2-DigiCD+DVD]
Lurk - Lurk [CD]
Maax - Dawnbringer [CD]
Nuklear Frost - Subjugation [Digi-CD]
Celtic Frost - Nemesis Of Power/Prototype [CD]
Szron - Frost Eternal (Ltd.) [CD]
Frost - ...From the Dark [CD]
Chthonic Cult - I Am the Scourge of Eternity [Digi-CD]
The True Endless - A Climb to Eternity [CD]
Fear of Eternity - Funeral Mass [CD]
Trail of Tears - Existentia [CD]
Tyr - Ragnarok [CD]
Extreme Noise Terror/Driller Killer - Split [M-CD]
Blackdeath - Fucking Fullmoon Foundation [CD]
Detonation - Emission Phase [CD]
Hyems - Antinomie [CD]
1349 - Revelations of the Black Flame [CD]
21 Lucifers - In The Name Of... [CD]
Absu - The Third Storm of Cythraul [CD]
Acceptus Noctifer - Amores De Oficio [CD]
Acheron - Those Who Have Risen [CD]
Act of Gods - Dies Irae [M-CD]
Act of Gods - Maat [CD]
Caedes - Blood, War, Perversion [Digi-CD]
Capitis Damnare - Black Stigmatized [CD]
Act of Gods - Stench Of Centuries [2-CD]
Adorior - Author of Incest [CD]
Adumus - Invincible Black Order [CD]
Aetherius Obscuritas - Black Medicine / Fekete Orvossag [CD]
Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors Of Satan [CD]
Grimm - Heksenkringen [CD]
Arckanum - Arckanum: The 11 Year Anniversary Album [CD]
Arckanum/Svartsyn - Kaos Svarta Mar/Skinning the Lambs - Split [CD]
Todtgelichter - Schemen [CD]
Aurora Borealis - Time, Unveiled [CD]
Carpathian Forest - Morbid fascination of Death [CD]
Centinex - Reflections [CD]
Hollow Corp - Cloister Of Radiance [CD]
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig [CD]
Dark Tranquillity - Fiction [CD]
Infaust - Des Schmerzes Macht [CD]
Morgul - All Dead Here... [CD]
Karna - Diabolic: Soundtrack For My Nightmares [CD]
Macabre - Murder Metal [CD]
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao [Metal-CD]
Red Harvest - A Greater Darkness [CD]
Scent of Death - Woven In The Book Of Hate [CD]
Vintersorg - Solens rötter [CD]
Corpus Christii - Saeculum Domini [CD]
Quest of Aidance - Fallen Man Collection [M-CD]
Sathanas - Entering The Diabolic Trinity [CD]
Shining - IV: The Eerie Cold [CD]
Forgotten Woods - Forgotten Woods/Through the Woods [CD]
Marduk - Rom 5:12 [CD]
Judas Iscariot - Tribute: To The Triumph Of Evil [CD]
Judas Iscariot - Under the black sun [CD]
Vehementer Nos - Vehementer Nos [CD]
Manngard - European Cowards [CD]
Lord Wind - Atlantean Monument [CD]
Artes Negras - Let there be Death [CD]
Beastcraft - Into The Burning Pit Of Hell [CD]
Diabolique - The Green Goddess [CD]
Ecliptic Sunset - Of Torment And Grief [CD]
Heulend Horn - From The Caucasus To Gotland [CD]
Benighted in Sodom - Plague Overlord [CD]
Inhuman Hate - Propagation Of Chaos [CD]
Samael - Aeonics - An Anthology [CD]
Tiamat - Commandments [CD]
Agmen - Dethroned [CD]
Agmen - Eternal [CD]
Carpatus - Procellarum [CD]
Dark Legions - Satänic Deströyer [CD]
Totalt Jävla Mörker - s/t [CD]
Diecold - Rest In Hell [CD]
Bathory - The Return... [CD]
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark [CD]
Bathory - Blood Fire Death [CD]
Bathory - Twilight of the Gods [CD]
Bathory - Hammerheart [CD]
Bathory - Blood on Ice [CD]
Corpus Christii/Thesyre - Split: F.O.A.D. [CD]
Darkthrone - Hate Them [CD]
Behemoth - Satanica [CD]
Immortal - Sons of northern darkness [CD+DVD]
Impious Havoc - Manifestations of Plague and War [CD]
Mortuus - De contemplanda Morte; De Reverencie laboribus ac Adorationis [CD]
Necromicon - Peccata Mundi [CD]
Secht - Secht [CD]
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality [CD]
Nifelheim - Servants Of Darkness [CD]
Silva Nigra - Epocha [CD]
Thrown - The Suicidal Kings Occult [CD]
Wyrm - Seven Gates of Apocalypse [CD]
Wyrd/Häive/Kehrä - Split [CD]
Thorngoth - Thelema of Destruction [CD]
Tharaphita - Primeval Force [CD]
Mourning Dawn - Mourning Dawn [CD]
Moontower - Praise The Apocalypse [CD]
Born Of Sin - Let it begin [M-CD]
Vomitory - Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize [CD+DVD]
Unlight Order - Through the Gates of Torment [M-CD]
Mayhem - Last breath [Digi-CD]
Impiety - Kaos Kommand 696 [Digi-CD]
Israthoum - Black Scenery Avatar [M-CD]
Enthroned - Tetra Karcist [Digi-CD]
Nominon - Terra Necrosis [Digi-CD]
Raise Hell - City of the Damned [Digi-CD]
Satariel - Chifra [Digi-M-CD]
Infuneral - Sepulchral Monument [CD]